
2024/2025 Academic Diaries


Hubert bookbindery are excited to bring you 2024/2025 Academic Diaries, these 2024/2025 Academic Diaries range is A5 [21 x 14.8 cm] in size with a page a day layout. These Diaries are perfect for all your planning needs for the academic year ahead.  There is only a couple of each pattern available.

Why not add an OHTO pen for super smooth writing

You can always contact the bindery to order a bespoke Diary click here

Keep up to date with the Bindery on Instagram




Hubert bookbindery are excited to bring you 2024/2025 Academic Diaries, these 2024/2025 Academic Diaries range is A5 [21 x 14.8 cm] in size with a page a day layout. These Diaries are perfect for all your planning needs for the academic year ahead.  There is only a couple of each pattern available.

Nothing beats sitting down with a brand new Diary, pondering about the plans to come.  Logging important dates and deadlines, planning each event and making lists for holidays to come. There is something about writing down your plans in pen that make them even more official, cementing down your plans and bringing a sense of order and joy.

Keep up to date with the Bindery on Instagram

Not sure which one to pick for your loved one? you can always get a voucher click here

You can always contact the bindery to order a bespoke Diary click here

​Hubert bookbindery can do it all. Printing, Binding, Book Repair, Bespoke Stationery, Boxes, Portfolios & even Menus. They especially love a challenge. They are experts in binding and love talking out projects with customers, whether it’s a one off poetry book or a display box with a secret compartment, they will bring your ideas to life.

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Leather Teal, Violetta, Blue Petal, Dragon Flower